Are you sure, you are ready, to be honest? Make your profile brighter by adding photos, videos, or gif to your answers.

Answer questions from your friends, classmates, or strangers. Ask people around via Shoutout and make friends with strangers nearby. Find your crush's profile? Hide behind the anonymous mask with just one swipe, ask something and be ready to hear the honest reply. It's obvious - questions and answers! Ask anonymous questions or do it openly, more than 40M people are waiting for your questions. Anyone can join the chat and keep a discussion going.

Stay anonymous or ask openly - it is still up to you!Īs soon as you have your question sent, it will immediately appear under the answer it is addressed to. Start chatting right away - just ask another question under any answer that caught your attention. Have you missed long and thoughtful communication? Maybe you are looking for small talk? Check out Chats on ASKfm! NEW! ⭐ Meet the most desirable feature among our users - Chats! Memo1.Time to ask! Download ASKfm and ask your first question RIGHT NOW! Result := Result + Response + LineBreaks Īnd the usage: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) If Copy(Response, Length(Response) - Length(LastPageResponse) + 1, Response := HTTPClient.Post('' + AUser + '/more', Parameters := 'page=' + IntToStr(LastPage) Parameters.Add('page=' + IntToStr(LastPage))

TimeString := FormatDateTime('ddd mmm dd hh:nn:ss UTC yyyy', AFromDate) Result := HTTPClient.Get('' + AUser) + LineBreaks

LastPageResponse = '$("#more-container").hide() ' Forgot to notice, that the additional content you'll need to parse in a different way than a base page, since it's not a HTML content.įunction GetAllQuestions(const AUser: string AFromDate: TDateTime The GetAllQuestions function returns a base user's page, followed by line breaks separated content in a range from the base page to all pages from the time and page you specify. AStartPage - is a starting page from the AFromDate date time from which you want to get results.AFromDate - is a starting date time from which you want to get results.AUser - is the user name after the slash from the URL.In the GetAllQuestions function you can specify: It's posting the form data similarly like the Show more button does, but it uses a while loop (to receive all pages), which repeats until the exact constant in response is found (in code it's the LastPageResponse constant), so when the response content of the page will be changed some time and that constant won't be in the response, you will find yourself in the infinite loop. This approach is lame and quite dangerous.